Messages from Diverse Sources
Thursday, December 26, 2024
Only God Is Enough! Let My Will Be Yours and You Will See the Light Enter Your Home, but If You Persist in Your Own Wills, Then with Corpses the Ground Will Be Filled!
Message of Our Lord Jesus Christ to Christine in France on December 19, 2024

Do not worry about this world, it will disappear. Only My Law will endure and only My Teaching will bring you life, I who am Life, the true, the only Life, the living Source, the living Flame of Love given.
It is in My Heart that man finds the way and joy, by placing his steps in My footsteps he walks towards the Light.
What good can come out of this world? Open your heart to My Light and you will walk in Truth and tread the path of Life and enter into My Will.
Happy is he who abandons himself to My Will, it will bring him the Living Water and it will flow within him with the new Aurora that carries the torch of My love.
Happy is he who walks in My footsteps, with his heart abandoned to My voice, he will enter into My Will and will be on the path of life.
Turn away from the world where lies abound, to enter into My Will which is love and which will give you the fruit of life in you. Abandon your own wills, which are only blindness and perversion, and enter into My Will, which is love and which will make you bear fruit.
The fruit, children, you find in abandonment to My Word of Truth.
Follow the path of life, there is only one, the one that speaks of the Truth that I am.
Man, children, does not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes out of My mouth; feed on the Bread of Life that I am; I am the Bearer of Living Water and I am the Living Water that will quench your thirst within you and that of your palaces and your flower beds. From your palaces, which are your mouths, will come words of truth.
Children, when you hear My voice, when you put into practice My Word, you will be on the right path and you will walk according to My Law. You will know that I am the Most High who comes to quench your thirst and unite you. Your thirst will be quenched, you will no longer walk the thousand paths of misfortune, but you will walk in My way, in My flowerbeds and you will be saved.
Didn't I say to you, “Abandon everything and follow Me,” I who am your Master and Lord? Abandon everything, because by walking My path, you are walking the true path, the only path of Truth. Only God is enough! Let My Will be yours and you will see the Light enter into your house, but if you persist in your own wills, then the ground will be filled with corpses!
My Will, children, is Light and My Will is love, truth and life. Because My Will is the jewel of My Heart, it brings you life, the true life that is silence, abandonment and contemplation. The Son of Man has come to bring peace and to show you the path of life.
It is by offering oneself entirely, by giving oneself totally in love, that man finds the way, the true and only way of life, which is self-giving. If all men lived in My Will, they would be in abandonment and there would be no confrontations, no violence, because one's own will would be annihilated, self-importance, pride would disappear.
It's pride that brings disorder, because it wants to conquer and, becoming conqueror, it annihilates and brings gall and disorder.
It is by walking step by step in the footsteps of the Love that I follow that man will find the path, the only path of life, which is that of abandonment and self-giving. By becoming an empty vessel, man then becomes the receptacle of My love, because he allows himself to be filled within by My Presence. In abandonment is gift and gift is life-giving.
Love is born when man keeps his own will within himself; at this moment - the giving of himself to My Will, which is supreme - he enters into true Life, that of abandonment to Me, his Savior, who guides him and shows him the path of love. By following My path of life, man finds within himself the Life that is eternal. Every person created by the One Immortal Creator has immortality within them, and immortality is not the power of pride, but the gift of love. Children, learn to love by doing My Will, which is to love one another, and your flower beds will discover a new harvest, the harvest of love that brings peace and harmony.
Is there a more beautiful garment than the abandonment of your will to My Will? No ! Why not? Because My Will is love and gift, My Will is the path of life, which opens up to the Infinite. My Will is love, and whoever among you walks in My Will follows the path of love, which is a gift. Thus, wars and disagreements cannot arise, they dissolve in the Will of My love.
This is why I ask you to follow in My footsteps and never stray from the path, because whoever falls takes a multitude with them, and whoever follows My path also shows others the path of life.
Children, I make Myself a debtor so that you may bear fruit and that this fruit be as sweet as the dawn, that it bring living water and the branch to their hearts and that your lands become fertile so that the earth find its mantle of light, its first virginity.
Children, only love saves and only love generates life. Everything that is of the Evil One brings death and will rot in hell.
What I ask of you, children, is that you enter the Abode of Life, that you surrender your fiat to the Immaculate Heart of the Most Holy Mother and that you offer me the gift of your lives for tomorrow's journey. Love as I have loved. Learn to love, enter My courts which are My churches and, near My Tabernacles, come and place your hearts so that I may carry within you the Path of life that I follow. Alone in abandonment, children, you will find life and alone in abandonment, the Life of Heaven will be given to you.
Never, children, abandon My gaze, but, penetrating even further into the iris of My eye, you will walk the Path of life that I follow, given to you, for each one of you who are My children, who are My children.
Come closer to the Light that is the Truth and the Truth will enlighten you and you, children, will experience the enlightenment of consciousnesses and will enter into the true Life.
Children, make the sign of the Cross, for it is My Will that every child follow Me to reach the only Truth that I am. Place your hand in Mine, may each man place his hand in Mine so that My Will, which is love, may be done and the Earth, your Earth, may live in the Truth that is Mine and bear fruit. Outside of My Will, there is no Salvation for man.
Children, keep Christmas in your hearts. My Birth is the Sacrament of love on earth.
Children, the men of the “lodges” (Freemasonry) want to annihilate My Will, but their abject laws will rot, as will those who follow them.
Can life create death? No ! Death comes from the Evil One and is with him and will be annihilated. O death, where is your victory?